Pets pick red cedar bedding 20L bag
Those who own and love their pets may want a more natural bed for their four-legged friends to relax on. That's why Pets Pick offers this Red Cedar Bedding, a product that is all natural and makes for a great soft and comfortable bed for pets. Suitable for all kinds of animals from cats to dogs to rabbits to horses, this red cedar bedding is kiln dried and is biodegradable so it makes a more natural option for your pets' needs. It absorbs odors naturally to keep both your family and your pets happy. Besides that it's carbon neutral and made from renewable resources so not only will your pets sleep easy, you will too.
- Pets Pick Red Cedar Bedding
- Comes in a 20L bag that contains 1200 cubic inches of product
- Red cedar is all natural and kiln dried for great softness and comfort
- Naturally absorbs odors so your whole family can sleep easier
- Made from renewable resources and is carbon neutral so it's great for the environment
- Great for owners of dogs, cats, rabbits and horses