Contains the same active ingredients as Frontline® Plus for Cats.
PetLock® Plus for Cats has the same active ingredients as Frontline® Plus for Cats, but sells for a fraction of the cost. PetLock® Plus is fast-acting, long-lasting, waterproof, and easy to use. Apply monthly.
Do not allow your cat to ingest this product. Do not apply to cats weighing less than 1.5 pounds and less than 8 weeks old.
PetLock® Plus For Cats contains the active ingredients fipronil and (S)-methoprene that effectively target fleas, ticks, and chewing lice. PetLock® Plus For Cats is fast acting, long-lasting, waterproof, and easy to use. PetLock® Plus For Cats remains effective even after bathing, water immersion, or exposure to sunlight. PetLock® Plus For Cats can also be used for the treatment and control of flea, tick, and chewing lice infestations on breeding, pregnant, and lactating queens. Do not allow your cat to ingest this product. Do not apply to cats weighing less than 1.5 lbs. and less than 8 weeks old.
Precaucion al consumidor: Si usted no puede leer Inglés, no use este product hasta que la etiqueta le haya sido explicada ampliamente. (To the user: If you cannot speak English, do not use this product until the label has been fully explained to you).